The Advantages Of Dry Cleaning Over Traditional Washing

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We all cherish the experience of donning crisp, immaculate garments that exude a sense of freshness and newness. However, the upkeep of our beloved clothing can often prove to be quite a challenge. This is precisely when we seek the assistance of laundry and dry cleaning services. But what is dry cleaning? In essence, dry cleaning is a meticulous method employed to cleanse fabrics without relying on water, detergent, or conventional washing machines. Instead, this process relies on the use of specialised machines and solvents designed specifically for dry cleaning purposes.

In conventional washing methods, water has the potential to cause damage to delicate fabrics. However, dry cleaning surpasses traditional washing techniques by offering an unparalleled level of precision when it comes to stain removal, thorough cleaning, and maintaining the fabric’s pristine appearance.

Not only does dry cleaning excel at removing dirt, dust, and moulds, but it also safeguards the integrity of the fabric, ensuring it retains its original lustre and extends its lifespan. Let us delve deeper into the reasons why dry cleaning outshines traditional washing methods.

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A] Challenges Associated With Traditional Washing Methods

    Traditional washing is no doubt inexpensive, easy, handy and more energy efficient, but it can also have the following inconveniences:

  • Fabric Wear and Tear: Wet washing can lead to fibre damage which can make the fabric weak.
  • Colour Fading: Rubbing clothes to remove dirt creates friction and sun-drying of heat-sensitive clothes leads to colour fading.
  • Shrinkage: Tumble dry or sun drying can lead to shrinkage of certain fabrics like cotton or cotton mix.
  • Stain Removal Challenges: A fabric can absorb the oil or grease-based stains if not removed immediately.
  • Odour Retention: Stains, sweat, mildew and dirt might leave behind odour in the clothes. Simple washing with detergent might not be sufficient to remove strong odours.
  • Time-Consuming Process: Traditional washing is a long process of soaking, washing, rinsing, squeezing, and drying the clothes.
  • Inconvenience for Delicate Items: Certain fabrics like chiffon, net, and georgette might get damaged when washed in a washing machine.
  • Limited Water Efficiency: While washing clothes with water in a bucket or washing machines, there is excessive use of water leading to water wastage.
  • Ironing and Wrinkle Removal: The compression of garments and the process of tumble drying often result in unsightly wrinkles and creases on the fabric.
  • Lack of Professional Expertise: Every fabric needs a different kind of detergent and washing technique that only an expert can determine.

While not all clothes need to be dry cleaned, there are a few that need to be regularly cleaned. With our Dry Cleaning Clothes guide, you can learn about the types of Clothes That Need Dry Cleaning.

B] 6 Helpful Advantages Of Dry Cleaning

Listed below are some of the most helpful benefits of investing in professional dry cleaning services. These advantages offer the perfect incentive for you to dry clean your clothes, including comforters and blankets.

1. Protects The Fabric

When it comes to garments crafted from delicate materials like wool, silk, leather, cashmere, or velvet, dry cleaning becomes imperative as hand-washing can result in irreparable damage. Wet washing these fabrics not only compromises their longevity but also jeopardises their pristine condition.

Professional dry cleaning and laundry services employ fabric-friendly solvents that effectively cleanse without causing harm, thereby preserving the fabric’s freshness and cleanliness. It is worth noting that fabrics labelled as “dry clean-only” run the risk of significant damage if subjected to water-based washing, even on a single occasion.

2. Does Not Damage The Embellishment

Fashionable garments often incorporate accessories, sequins, embellishments, decorations, or specialised materials to enhance their aesthetic appeal. These elements are typically affixed using glue or carefully sewn with thread. However, hand washing poses a risk of damage to these decorative additions, causing them to detach or lose their integrity after just a few clean and dry washes.

Dry cleaning offers a solution by effectively cleansing the garments without disturbing these external adornments, thereby safeguarding and preserving them for an extended period of time. This ensures that the garments retain their original allure while protecting and maintaining the quality of these embellishments.

3. Minimises The Damage To The Fabric’s Colour And Feel

Washing with detergent might make the fabric very hard. Dry cleaning such clothes help to keep the clothes soft as there is no friction of clothes unlike in machines. The solvents used to clean will act on the stains to remove them without damaging the fibre of the fabric. With dry cleaning, there is minimal swelling and shrinking of the fabric keeping the feel and fit of the fabric intact.

4. Effectively Removes Odour

Wet cleaning might make clothes smell good because of the detergents and fabric softeners used. Dry cleaning of clothes might leave behind a faint smell of chemicals present in the solvent used for the cleaning. But, the high-quality solvents seldom release any foul odour.

Professional laundry and dry cleaning has the potential to remove the odour from the fabric which is produced due to mildew and moulds, dampness, bacteria and viruses. It cleans the fabric inside out making it smell fresh and clean.

5. Dry Cleaning Can Remove Tough Stains

When confronted with stains on our clothes, our initial instinct is to resort to quick remedies like rubbing lemon, vinegar, or water to eliminate them promptly. Immediate action indeed proves effective in removing the majority of water-soluble stains such as food stains, sweat, urine, or beverage spills through wet washing or traditional laundering methods. However, oil or grease-based stains tend to penetrate the fabric, making them more challenging to eradicate.

These stubborn stains require specialised chemicals, techniques, and machinery for effective removal. In such cases, dry cleaning emerges as the optimal solution to tackle and eliminate oil-based stains successfully.

6. Saves Your Time And Effort

We encounter various types of fabrics with diverse washing and care requirements, making home laundering a laborious and time-consuming task. Additionally, limited space for washing and drying poses further challenges. In contrast, dry cleaners possess ample space for washing and drying, along with large-scale machines capable of handling multiple garments simultaneously. The availability of additional manpower expedites the cleaning process, enabling a more efficient and prompt service. By entrusting our garments to dry cleaners, we can alleviate the burden and enjoy the convenience of handing over our clothes for professional care.

If you are looking for a dry cleaning service for events in Mumbai, you should consider checking out Fabricare.


While washing clothes at home offers convenience, economy, and simplicity, the benefits of entrusting your garments to professional dry cleaners outweigh these advantages, especially when dealing with fabrics that cannot be wet washed.

Dry cleaning provides a protective shield against physical damage, ensuring your clothes remain wrinkle-free, odour-free, and maintain a fresh, like-new appearance. Delicate and expensive fabrics particularly necessitate regular dry cleaning to preserve their quality and longevity. By opting for professional dry cleaning services, you can safeguard and enhance the overall condition of your cherished garments.

Experience the convenience and exceptional quality of Fabricare, your go-to dry cleaning services in VileParle. Contact us today to entrust your garments to our trusted expertise and enjoy the satisfaction of impeccable results.

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